
Development Workflow

Unit Tests

Fennel's Python client ships with an (inefficient) mock server inside it - this makes it possible to do local development and run unit tests against the mock server to verify correctness. This works even if you don't have any remote Fennel server - heck it works even if you don't have internet.

This mock server has near parity with the actual server with one notable exception - it doesn't support data connectors to external data systems (after all, it is completely local with zero remote dependencies!)

Let's first see how it will work and later we will see a fully functional unit test example.

1from fennel.testing import mock
4class TestDataset(unittest.TestCase):
5    @mock
6    def test_dataset(self, client):
7        # client talks to the mock server
8        # ... do any setup
9        # commit the dataset
10        client.commit(datasets=[User])
11        # ... some other stuff
13        # Log data to the dataset directly (ONLY for testing)
14        log(User, pd.Dataframe(...))
15        #       OR
16        # Log data to the dataset via a webhook
17        client.log("fennel_webhook", 'User', pd.Dataframe(...))
18        # ... some other stuff
19        found = client.query(...)
20        self.assertEqual(found, expected)


Here we imported mock from fennel.testing. This is a decorator which can be used to decorate test functions - and the decorator supplies an extra argument called client to the test. Once the client object reaches the body of the test, you can do all operations that are typically done on a real client - you can commit datasets/featuresets, log data, extract features etc.

You can bring data to a dataset in the mock server, by using the log function from our testing library or by explicitly logging data to a webhook.

Testing Datasets

For testing Datasets, you can use the log method of the client to add some local data to a dataset or use the log method from our testing library and then query this or other downstream datasets using the lookup method. Here is an end to end example. Suppose our regular non-test code looks like this:

1from fennel.connectors import source, Webhook
2from fennel.datasets import Count, Sum, Average
3from fennel.datasets import dataset, field, pipeline, Dataset
4from fennel.dtypes import Continuous
5from fennel.lib import includes, meta, inputs, outputs
7__owner__ = "[email protected]"
8webhook = Webhook(name="fennel_webhook")
11@source(webhook.endpoint("RatingActivity"), disorder="14d", cdc="append")
13class RatingActivity:
14    userid: int
15    rating: float
16    movie: str
17    t: datetime
21class MovieRating:
22    movie: str = field(key=True)
23    rating: float
24    num_ratings: int
25    sum_ratings: float
26    t: datetime
28    @pipeline
29    @inputs(RatingActivity)
30    def pipeline_aggregate(cls, activity: Dataset):
31        return activity.groupby("movie").aggregate(
32            num_ratings=Count(window=Continuous("7d")),
33            sum_ratings=Sum(window=Continuous("28d"), of="rating"),
34            rating=Average(window=Continuous("12h"), of="rating"),
35        )


And you want to test that data reaching RatingActivity dataset correctly propagates to MovieRating dataset via the pipeline. You could write the following unit test to do so:

1import unittest
2from fennel.testing import mock, log
5class TestDataset(unittest.TestCase):
6    @mock
7    def test_dataset(self, client):
8        # Sync the dataset
9        client.commit(
10            message="datasets: add RatingActivity and MovieRating",
11            datasets=[MovieRating, RatingActivity],
12        )
13        now =
14        one_hour_ago = now - timedelta(hours=1)
15        two_hours_ago = now - timedelta(hours=2)
16        three_hours_ago = now - timedelta(hours=3)
17        four_hours_ago = now - timedelta(hours=4)
18        five_hours_ago = now - timedelta(hours=5)
20        data = [
21            [18231, 2, "Jumanji", five_hours_ago],
22            [18231, 3, "Jumanji", four_hours_ago],
23            [18231, 2, "Jumanji", three_hours_ago],
24            [18231, 5, "Jumanji", five_hours_ago],
25            [18231, 4, "Titanic", three_hours_ago],
26            [18231, 3, "Titanic", two_hours_ago],
27            [18231, 5, "Titanic", one_hour_ago],
28            [18231, 5, "Titanic", now - timedelta(minutes=1)],
29            [18231, 3, "Titanic", two_hours_ago],
30        ]
31        columns = ["userid", "rating", "movie", "t"]
32        df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns)
33        log(RatingActivity, df)
35        # Do some lookups to verify pipeline_aggregate
36        # is working as expected
37        ts = pd.Series([now, now])
38        names = pd.Series(["Jumanji", "Titanic"])
39        df, _ = MovieRating.lookup(ts, movie=names)
40        assert df.shape == (2, 5)
41        assert df["movie"].tolist() == ["Jumanji", "Titanic"]
42        assert df["rating"].tolist() == [3, 4]
43        assert df["num_ratings"].tolist() == [4, 5]
44        assert df["sum_ratings"].tolist() == [12, 20]


Testing Featuresets

Extractors are simple Python functions and, hence, can be unit tested directly.

1from fennel.featuresets import feature as F, featureset, extractor
4@meta(owner="[email protected]")
6class UserInfoFeatures:
7    userid: int
8    name: str
9    # The users gender among male/female/non-binary
10    age: int = F().meta(owner="[email protected]")
11    age_squared: int
12    age_cubed: int
13    is_name_common: bool
15    @extractor
16    @inputs(age, "name")
17    @outputs("age_squared", "age_cubed", "is_name_common")
18    def get_age_and_name_features(
19        cls, ts: pd.Series, user_age: pd.Series, name: pd.Series
20    ):
21        is_name_common = name.isin(["John", "Mary", "Bob"])
22        df = pd.concat([user_age**2, user_age**3, is_name_common], axis=1)
23        df.columns = [
24            str(cls.age_squared),
25            str(cls.age_cubed),
26            str(cls.is_name_common),
27        ]
28        return df
31# somewhere in the test file, you can write this
32class TestSimpleExtractor(unittest.TestCase):
33    def test_get_age_and_name_features(self):
34        age = pd.Series([32, 24])
35        name = pd.Series(["John", "Rahul"])
36        ts = pd.Series([datetime(2020, 1, 1), datetime(2020, 1, 1)])
37        df = UserInfoFeatures.get_age_and_name_features(
38            UserInfoFeatures, ts, age, name
39        )
40        self.assertEqual(df.shape, (2, 3))
41        self.assertEqual(
42            df["UserInfoFeatures.age_squared"].tolist(), [1024, 576]
43        )
44        self.assertEqual(
45            df["UserInfoFeatures.age_cubed"].tolist(), [32768, 13824]
46        )
47        self.assertEqual(
48            df["UserInfoFeatures.is_name_common"].tolist(),
49            [True, False],
50        )


For extractors that depend on dataset lookups, the setup looks similar to that of testing datasets as shown above - create a mock client, commit some datasets/featuresets, log data to a dataset, and finally use client to extract features. Here is an example:

1@meta(owner="[email protected]")
3class UserInfoDataset:
4    user_id: int = field(key=True)
5    name: str
6    age: Optional[int]
7    timestamp: datetime = field(timestamp=True)
8    country: str
11@meta(owner="[email protected]")
13class UserInfoMultipleExtractor:
14    userid: int
15    name: str
16    country_geoid: int
17    # The users gender among male/female/non-binary
18    age: int = F().meta(owner="[email protected]")
19    age_squared: int
20    age_cubed: int
21    is_name_common: bool
23    @extractor(deps=[UserInfoDataset])
24    @inputs("userid")
25    @outputs("age", "name")
26    def get_user_age_and_name(cls, ts: pd.Series, user_id: pd.Series):
27        df, _found = UserInfoDataset.lookup(ts, user_id=user_id)
28        return df[["age", "name"]]
30    @extractor
31    @inputs("age", "name")
32    @outputs("age_squared", "age_cubed", "is_name_common")
33    def get_age_and_name_features(
34        cls, ts: pd.Series, user_age: pd.Series, name: pd.Series
35    ):
36        is_name_common = name.isin(["John", "Mary", "Bob"])
37        df = pd.concat([user_age**2, user_age**3, is_name_common], axis=1)
38        df.columns = [
39            "age_squared",
40            "age_cubed",
41            "is_name_common",
42        ]
43        return df
45    @extractor(deps=[UserInfoDataset])
46    @includes(get_country_geoid)
47    @inputs("userid")
48    @outputs("country_geoid")
49    def get_country_geoid_extractor(cls, ts: pd.Series, user_id: pd.Series):
50        df, _found = UserInfoDataset.lookup(ts, user_id=user_id)  # type: ignore
51        df["country_geoid"] = df["country"].apply(get_country_geoid)
52        return df["country_geoid"]
55# this is your test code in some test module
56class TestExtractorDAGResolution(unittest.TestCase):
57    @mock
58    def test_dag_resolution(self, client):
59        client.commit(
60            message="user: add info datasets, featuresets",
61            datasets=[UserInfoDataset],
62            featuresets=[UserInfoMultipleExtractor],
63        )
64        now =
65        data = [
66            [18232, "John", 32, "USA", now],
67            [18234, "Monica", 24, "Chile", now],
68        ]
69        columns = ["user_id", "name", "age", "country", "timestamp"]
70        df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns)
71        # For testing only.
72        log(UserInfoDataset, df)
74        feature_df = client.query(
75            outputs=[UserInfoMultipleExtractor],
76            inputs=[UserInfoMultipleExtractor.userid],
77            input_dataframe=pd.DataFrame(
78                {"UserInfoMultipleExtractor.userid": [18232, 18234]}
79            ),
80        )
81        self.assertEqual(feature_df.shape, (2, 7))


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