Storage Model
With the basics of Fennel Architecture and Fennel's Core Engine clarified, we can now talk about the storage model of Fennel:
- All Fennel datasets correspond to an internal partitioned Kafka topic. The retention of this topic can be configured by user (though is usually long).
- Fennel creates several other internal Kafka topics - though these are usually for short durations.
- Data for Kafka topics is tiered to S3. This way, majority of Kafka data lives in S3 at any point and only a small subset of it lives on local SSDs of Kafka brokers.
- Pipelines get mapped to partitioned jobs which may have job specific local state. This state lives in a RocksDB instance running on local SSD of the engines with snapshots living in S3.
- In addition to the RocksDB and S3, metadata about this state also lives in
a special internal Kafka topic (called
), which again, is tiered to S3. - Indices are also mapped to partitioned jobs which also have their own local state (on RocksDB, snapshotted on S3 and metadata in Kafka) - the only difference is that their local state is exposed for querying behind gRPC endpoints.
- All metadata (e.g. graph of all datasets, pipelines, indices, features etc.) as well as job registry lives in a centrally shared Postgres.